Understanding and Dealing with the challenges of Autism
Educational Resources for Autism
• Struggling Readers
• Autism Educational Resources
• ESL Teaching Materials – for English Language Learners (ELL)
• Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities
• Regular Education and Early Academics
AUTISM TRAINING & SUPPORT Teaching children with differing levels of autism of all ages in both mainstream and special schools. A Headteacher of a Special School for two years and set up an Autism Resource Base within a mainstream primary school.
Multi-sensory approaches in learning
Creating accessible visual environments
Supporting children in managing their own behaviour
Teaching relaxation
Developing brain functioning through movement and exercise
Autism Resources I always see people wearing all different types of ribbons or bracelets to support various organizations/ disease awareness, and I wondered what color is for what? It can be confusing. The colors of the awareness ribbons have a variety of meanings.
Autism Society of Canada