Understanding and Dealing with the challenges of Autism

 Autism Books


autismbooks101 : All books have been read and recommended by parents of children with autism. Parents have to be proactive partners to therapists and doctors and strong advocates for education
The Bipola Express by Ellen Thomas : One Christian Woman's Life Journey in the Company of a Child with Bipola Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome
Autism books 
  • Books by Category. All the Autism/Aspergers books I've found reference to: over 1500 books. There are books that I haven't tracked down yet, but I continue to add the ones I find or hear about. Categorized by genre/topic, year of first publication, and author.
    Our list of titles on autism and Asperger's Syndrome is now amongst the foremost in the world, and our books are published for people with autism and Asperger Syndrome themselves, as well as for their families, carers, and the people that work with them. We place a strong emphasis on the voice of the individual. We welcome book proposals and ideas for further development in this field. You can email us or write to us.
    More Autism Books Now Available at
    Autism: a selective guide to books and other resources
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