August 21, 2010

The Challenges: Autism creates enormous and unexpected challenges to families faced with it - they tug in every direction to help their Autistic loved ones with little or no support from services. The barriers to communication, social issues, the lack of public support and the long term demands on what the future holds adds a further strain on families struggling to cope. The challenges bring out a deep and pure strength of survival in individuals with Autism where their lives revolve around learning to cope with their inner challenges. The drain on physical, mental and emotional energy suggests a need for as much support to cope with the challenges of Autism. Creating awareness alone is inadequate as it is a complexity that cannot be solved without looking into the bigger picture. We need awareness, acceptance and positive solutions for our Autistic community.

The Needs: Our families with Autism are a valuable part of society as such they deserve a chance to lead rich and fulfilling lives. The support must come from education, health and social services. In order to help maximise the potential of our loved ones with Autism they need to be offered the opportunities to bring out the best in their abilities. “Do not let them be locked away but help them in their journey through life.” Families need real help. We need to minimise the stress on families to help them cope by offering the respite and much needed breaks from caring, increase training of staff to enable progress in our children but above all the availability of competent specialists capable of giving an accurate diagnosis of Autism.

Acceptance & Support: The brains of individuals with Autism are differently wired - therefore the key to seeing progress within our community is acceptance & support. Acceptance does not mean tolerance but it requires the recognition of the needs, understanding and the necessary support to fulfil those needs. We see many Autistic adults who have not had the support over the years who continue to struggle – DO NOT NEGLECT THE NEEDS OF OUR LOVED ONES WITH AUTISM.

Look to the future: In supporting our families the funds spent today will mean more able adults in the future resulting in less dependency. I wish to see our loved ones being taught to contribute to society through being taught the necessary skills to achieve these results. The lack of support from services have shown a blinkered and short sighted view where they look at the individual as disabled now and disabled for life. I see the attitude needs to change being that it should be disabled now but let’s make it possible to do what is necessary to help bring out the best in our loved ones with Autism. We need to brighten the future of all individuals on the Autistic Spectrum.
ACT NOW : http://actnow01.web.officelive.com/default.aspx


Thoughts on Autism and Aspergers Syndrome

July 27, 2010

Autistic Strengths

Research suggests that Autistic traits are apparent in the non-Autistic population – some have shown less symptoms whilst others have shown more. The complexity of the condition is highlighted through genetic research which shows at least twenty different genes contributing to Autistic development. History reveals many positive examples of individuals who would be classed today as being Autistic but who were previously described as “different” or “odd”, yet they ...

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Structural differences in the Autistic brain

July 2, 2010

Autism is still a puzzle to many – Neuro-anotomical investigations suggest that if it is to be assumed that all human behaviour originates from the brain, that it must be clear that to identify the cause of abnormal behaviour that a comparison is necessary between a typical brain and the brain of an Autistic person.

Dr.Joseph Piven from the University of Iowa identified a size difference with the autistic brain showing a larger cerebellum and a smaller corpus collosum than the typical brai...

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Journey through Autism

May 4, 2010

My journey starts with life in Dubai when a beautiful baby was born in the pleasant month of April. He had the most perfectly fresh - soft skin, the beautiful form and the vacant eyes. As a new mother with no previous experience of motherhood I was overjoyed by his look of perfection but baffled by the thought of not knowing what my baby wanted. The bonding, the eye contact, the sharing of joy, the security of attachment was all a constant puzzlement.

The first years were difficult as my ...

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Best tips on Autism - Author Sandy Howarth "No Matter What" Autism

April 29, 2010


The diagnosis of Autism is typically associated with
Difficulty with verbal and nonverbal communication
Lacking in social and emotional development
Lacking in imagination
Some further symptoms
Lacking or no eye contact
Insistence on routine
Over or under sensitive senses
Bizarre behaviour

To manage Autism
Learn to first accept Autism
Think positively and act positively. Learn to love your child unconditionally “No Matter What” the diagnosis is.
This is your child. A positive outlook will...

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Author of No Matter What

My book "No Matter What" takes a positive approach to understanding and dealing with Autism.