Browsing Archive: January, 2011


Posted by Sandy Howarth on Monday, January 17, 2011, In : A SPIRITUAL OUTLOOK ON AUTISM 

Looking at how to deal with the challenges of autism the most effective way I have found is to understand and learn to accept the condition. Here, we are confronted with the first hurdle which is the question of the cause - the answer often leading to “we don’t know.... “ or “we think it is….” People look to find answers, apportion blame or escape from the reality of the life-long care that goes with a diagnosis such as autism. It continues to create high stress levels within the ...

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Understanding autistic behaviour

Posted by Sandy Howarth on Thursday, January 13, 2011, In : Autistic behaviour 

Understanding Autistic behaviour

Autistic children pose challenges to parents and care givers due to the lack of understanding between each other. It is difficult to assess how much a non verbal Autistic child knows through watching television or information they may have acquired from their environment. A close observation of the child will help recognise the cues associated with Autistic behaviour.

Anxiety is a major factor in the life of an Autistic person. The stronger the feeling of anx...

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Posted by Sandy Howarth on Thursday, January 13, 2011, In : MMR VACCINE 

Is it the MMR vaccine?

My child regressed after the MMR vaccine at 15 months just as a large proportion of other Autistic children did. I do not blame the vaccine for Steven’s Autism, as having studied Steven very closely I recognised that he displayed behaviour that was different or lacking in normal development even before the time when the regression took place. I had concerns over Steven’s level of activity, his erratic sleep pattern and the comprehension of language before he had hi...

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Author of No Matter What

My book "No Matter What" takes a positive approach to understanding and dealing with Autism.